About Herbs for the Apocalypse


The Graphic Novel

The graphic novel Herbs for the Apocalypse is a fusion of medical plant knowledge woven into a tale of resilience and resistance in trying times. The main character, Sofia Spinoza, is a dreamer rooted by her love of plant life. Her muses return the favor with whispers of the Earth’s wisdom. As she navigates the niggling faults of human existence while working at an apothecary in the apocalypse, she explores what it means to find peace of mind and acceptance.

This is a limited edition with 300 hand-numbered copies in existence. When they are gone, that’s it! 120 pages (color and black and white). You can order yours below.

Welcome to a platform for self-empowerment via herbal medicines, art, music adoration, international resistance movements, and a connection with nature. Because we need it.

Ethereal Linden taken by Ethan Russo

Ethereal Linden taken by Ethan Russo

Plants have evolved with humans for as long as we’ve existed. They came first, and once oxygen breathers emerged on the earth, botanicals began working on us. Along with the Fungi Kingdom, it is no coincidence that the earliest civilizations turned to nature to cure what ailed them. Nature was all we had to rely on.

While imperialism, capitalism, and oppressive systems have evolved and penetrated the very core of our experience, plants prevail in our psyche in profound ways. We need them as much as we did then. And possibly even more now. The increasing interest in the Western world towards natural healing modalities can tell us many things. It indicates that some folks have lost this knowledge, while for others it has remained an integral part of their culture and way of life. Oppressive systems have not only tried to keep people from using these medicines, it also has worked to leverage stolen knowledge for economic profit.

Plant wisdom is not for a selective few. This information is for the benefit of all. There is no distinction between those that have studied plants for decades and people who play around with herbal teas at home or stop and admire the wonderful roses growing next door. The question is how can we be respectful allies for our botanical counterparts? For further information on the decolonization of the natural health sphere, check out Queering Herbalism.

Herbs for the Apocalypse aims to be a source of empowerment in a challenging time for earth’s inhabitants. Environmental degradation is accelerating at a rapid speed. Systemic injustice is the status quo. We’re wreaking havoc on our ecosystems. We have natural disasters and global pandemics expanding every part of the globe. The planet is in revolt.

We must do all we can to protect and ensure the survival of our sacred earth. Especially since its bounty and gifts far surpass any debt that can be returned. We are an invaluable part of the inner and outer workings of the Universe, even if we sometimes don’t act like it.

It’s always coldest just before dawn. That is both a fact of nature and a metaphor for our current reality. We live in trying times but we also have an invaluable collection of tools to collectively cope, heal ourselves, and build resilience in order to face what it is to come.

This isn’t a place for Dogma or screaming that the end is near. It is an invitation to connect back to Source. To our greatest ally, pachamama (Mother Nature), and respectfully learn from the therapeutic wisdom of the Plant, Fungi, and Animal kingdoms.

Herbs for the Apocalypse is both a passion project and an indie graphic novel, which is now available.

Meet the Humans Behind The Project

Founder & Author

Sarah Russo is a longtime plant enthusiast, globetrotter, and lover of the avant-garde. She got her degree in environmental studies and social justice, with a focus on botanical medicine from the Evergreen State College. She is a freelance writer, organizer, consultant, and digital creative with over 13 years of experience in the cannabis and herbal medicine space. Her main goals are fighting for the right to use plants, smashing the Kierarchy, encouraging sustainable agricultural practices, as well as pondering the absurdity of human existence. She currently inhabits the land of Catalunya.

Artist & Illustrator

Rokaya Taqi is an illustrator and animator who is strongly inspired by horror and sci-fi. She got her degree from the Graphic Department in the Faculty of Fine Arts in Helwan University (in Cairo, Egypt). She has been a freelance artist since 2015. She is strongly influenced by Edward Hopper, Junji Ito, Zdzisław Beksiński, and Martin Lewis's etchings and it shows in her work. When not drawing and animating horrifically fantastic art, she can be found doing yoga, reading, or learning new languages.

Art Station Portfolio | Behance Profile | Instagram

Herb Monologue Narrators

Sarah Russo, Valerie Agnew, Miles Iton, Alissa Russo, Katy Able, Mylee Blake, Dr. Genester Wilson-King, Anne Szostek, Nina Kim, Siobhan Ryan, JM Vilaseca